Evan Mueller is a video producer and editor. His documentary work has been published by the SF Chronicle and been awarded at the Palm Springs International ShortFest ‘19. He likes Indian food, pinball and talking to strangers.



Ta-Nahesi Coates - for his writing, especially in Between the World and Me - his Atlantic bio

Ava DuVernay - for being a champion for women, and her direction in 13th and Selma - avaduvernay.com

Alexis Ohanian - for "making the world suck less" and inspiring others to help - his TEDx Midwest talk

James Comey - for giving this speech as FBI director - Race and Law Enforcement

Ron Shaich - for feeding the needy good food and being a leader with morals - his TED talk in St. Louis

Seth Godin - for the way he writes and thinks - sethgodin.com

Joel Stein - for his humor - thejoelstein.com

Barack Obama -  for being the first politician to truly inspire me - his speech at the 2004 DNC

McKenna Ewen - for inspiring me to be a better visual storyteller - ewenmedia.com

Matt Taibbi - for calling out the bad guys - writing feed

Jane McGonigal - for making video games purposeful - her TED bio

Joseph Gordon-Levitt - for leading a new artistic collaboration platform - HitRECord

Robert Noyce - for his early leadership in Silicon Valley - Wiki

Jamie Oliver - for The Naked Chef and his work to help make us all healthier - Episode 1

Cory Booker - for his work on criminal justice reform and - DNC Speech 2016

Ro Khanna - for being a justice democrat, and speaking out in Silicon Valley - JD

Evan Williams - for his innovation in blogging (and having a great name) - evhead.com

Dean Kamen - for being an inventor of a better of humankind - dekaresearch.com

Bill Cunningham - for his youthful attitude and street photography work - New York Times video

Paul Thomas Anderson - for his films and behind-the-scenes interviews - cigsandredvines.blogspot.com

Steve Jobs - for shifting the paradigm of success - "How to live before you die" speech

Chris Do - for being a mentor to hundreds interested in the business of design consulting - The Futur Academy

LeBron James - for balancing incredible talent and fame with grace and never forgetting where he came from - I Promise School

